Do not share your personal information such as full name, home address, date of birth, identity or social security number (if any), email address, mobile phone number, home phone number and any other personal details with someone you don’t know.
Scammers may get your personal details by requesting your account details on the pretense that they will wire money to you. They may trick you into giving them your full name and address under the disguise of sending you flowers or gifts.
Do not share your financial information such as credit card details, bank account details, identity or social security number, personal insurance or any information that someone could use to access your financial information or accounts. If a scammer tricked you to give them this information, they could use your information to apply for credit cards or loans in your name. If a scammer has your bank account details, it may be used to launder money, which is a criminal offence.
Do not send money to anyone. Report to Love Cure Life and the police when a scammer is requesting you to send money. Remember once you send or wire the money; you will never get it back.
Scammers create fake profiles and attempt to target as many victims as possible. They will go through great lengths to gain your trust and will try to move from being just ‘a connection’ on our Service to texting or having a conversation outside the Love Cure Life app fairly quickly.
The scammer may request you to wire money, send gifts, act as though in desperate need or ask for your financial information once a seemingly trusted relationship has been established. Here are some of the many ways that scammers try to get your money:
      requesting you to send them money to purchase flight tickets or pay for visa fees so that he / she can come to see you;
     requesting a donation for a good cause;
     asking for a loan to help turn around their business;
     asking for financial assistance due to emergency situations such as an illness, accident, kidnapping, or family complications;
     requesting a contribution to cover relocation costs to move closer to you;
     asking you to pay for bank fees, taxes and administrative costs so that they can transfer their money out of the country which may be due to an inheritance;
     asking you to help purchase a new computer, webcam or IT equipment as their current equipment is hindering communication with you; Â
Stop communicating immediately with anyone who attempts to pressure you into giving your personal or financial information or makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe. You can block them by unmatching them on Love Cure Life, and report them on Love Cure Life and to the police.
Be cautious with revealing your lifestyle such as your routines, place of work, frequently visited locations, or sharing your social media profiles to prevent them from stalking you. Do not send any intimate photo of yourself as it may be used to blackmail you.
When uploading your profile photos on Love Cure Life, try not to give away too much information about your location or other personal information through the photos. We advise that you do not include your children in your photos, but you may describe that you have children in your profile information.
Don’t rush into meeting someone in person. Take your time to communicate through Love Cure Life and get to know them well before proceeding to meet up. Communicating through Love Cure Life’s platform allows you to remain anonymous as your contact details aren’t revealed.
You should never be pressured or feel obliged to meet anyone regardless of how much you have communicated online.
If you are ready to meet your match in person, be vigilant, careful and take precautions when meeting in person. Take control of the meeting location and when to meet. Always meet in a public place with people around at daytime. Meeting over coffee at a busy café is a good idea as you can meet the person briefly and can bow out gracefully if you want to leave. Never agree to meet in a private home, apartment, or remote places. If your date refuses to meet you at a busy place and insists to meet at a remote place, don’t go on the date and move on.
Ask for the most recent photo of your date before meeting; and you should forward the photo to your family or a friend. You should let your family or a friend know who you are meeting, where, when and what time you expect to be home. It is wise to ask your family or friend to ring your mobile at an arranged time to check on your safety. Make sure you take your fully charged mobile phone with you so that you can call in the event of any emergency.
Stay sober on your date so that you are able to make the best judgment. Don’t leave your drink or meal unattended so that there is no chance that someone could spike your drink or food.
Get your own public transportation or drive yourself to a date. Never agree to be picked up or driven home.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry; or bring an excessive amount of money, or anything that could be a target for thieves. Make sure you don’t leave your personal belongings such as your handbag, mobile phone, laptop bag, work bag, purse or wallet unattended.
Help us build a community of genuine and respectful daters. You can report users on Love Cure Life that you believe are engaging in spam, or attempting to scam, or if their profile contains inappropriate content or are misusing photos of other people.
The Love Cure Life community values your feedback on other users that you have messaged with or have met up in person. You may reward their good behavior by giving them a thumbs-up rating. In the same manner, you can reward someone for being honest with their profile, or if you felt safe in their company when you met in person. However, if you deem that someone’s behavior is inappropriate, or that their profile is dishonest or inaccurate, or that you felt unsafe in their company – then let the community know by giving a thumbs-down rating.