students, university, disabled, help, resources

Introduction: What Do Disabled Students Have to Deal With in University? In this article, I will discuss the difficulties disabled students have to face in university. This is not just a problem for disabled students but also for the universities themselves. The first issue is that universities are not very accessible and they may not […]

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The student loan forgiveness application is now live, and eligible borrowers can apply for partial or full discharge of their loans. This is a great opportunity for those who are struggling with student debt to get some relief. The application process is easy and fast, so there is no excuse not to apply. This program […]

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Today, a new type of hearing aid is available over-the-counter. This hearing aid is called the Lexie Lumen OTC hearing aid, and it is available for $799 a pair. This hearing aid is an alternative to prescription hearing aids, which are currently only available from hearing health professionals. The Lexie Lumen OTC hearing aid is […]

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There are many myths about disabled people that need to be debunked. These misconceptions can lead to assumptions and judgments about persons with disabilities that are simply not true. Read on to learn 5 myths about disabled people that have been debunked by facts. Myth #1: Disabled people are all the same. Fact: Disabled people […]

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Physical Activity Among Adults with Disabilities A number of recent studies have found that the prevalence of chronic disease is significantly higher in adults with disabilities than in the general population. This is not surprising given that individuals with disabilities are more likely to be overweight, obese or suffering from chronic diseases, and it has […]

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