1. IntroParenting a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder, or ASD, is often more challenging than parenting a typical child. Asperger’s syndrome, or Asperger’s disorder, is a childhood developmental disorder characterized by extreme social and emotional deficits in individuals. In addition to behavioral problems, individuals with Asperger’s syndrome may have difficulties with language (verbal and nonverbal […]
It’s not that we as people with disabilities are more aware of the world than the average person. We aren’t better equipped to orchestrate interesting discourses. When we are asked to talk about our disability, it feels like we are being judged or scrutinized. It may feel like we are being put on the spot, […]
Exercise has been shown to have many benefits including improved mood and increased physical activity.1 It is possible to have a healthy exercise regimen without full mobility, but the ability to move safely and with ease can make exercise more enjoyable and productive. Through proper technique, you can increase muscle mass, strength and injury prevention. […]
What are Human Rights? The right to education is a fundamental right, which every child has. Every child is entitled to an education. Everyone has the right to be educated, regardless of status or disability. It’s a struggle for people with disabilities who are deprived from their rights and that struggle should not be ignored […]
1. Intro Many people are on disability. This is a reality that most never faced. Income from investments such as stocks, bonds or real estate does not count towards the limitation if it was earned over 5 years prior to filing for disability or have been paid out as a benefit in the last 2 […]
Disability and Health Whether you have a disability or not, living with a disability can significantly affect your health. In fact, some disabilities may be more likely to cause health problems in the first place. The National Council on Disability reported that people with disabilities have health conditions and functional limitations that are more severe […]
Benefits and Insurance for People with Disabilities Disabilities can affect nearly every aspect of life, but they don’t have to keep people from working. The Social Security Disability Insurance Program provides monthly payments to adults with disabilities who are not able to work due to their impairment. These benefits are an insurance against disability for […]
For those who have never dealt with a disability, there are many life lessons that can be learned from those who live everyday with challenges. In this article, you will learn how people living with a disability have taught their friends and family these valuable lessons. In the world that we live in, we tend […]
Jobs for people with disabilities are an expanding field, as more and more companies are hiring people with disabilities. There are many reasons to hire employees with disabilities; they may be more loyal to the company, might be more motivated than an employee without a disability, or provide a better work ethic. Companies that hire […]
The International Day of Persons with Disabilities is a holiday which takes place on December 3rd, every year. The purpose of this holiday is to raise awareness and promote and honor the rights of people with all sorts of disabilities. Its origins date back to 1975, when it was officially recognized by the United Nations […]